Fuller Long successfully gained planning permission for the change of use of a three bedroom house into a mixed use D1 (chiropodist/podiatrist) and C3 (residential dwellinghouse).

Initially, the Council expressed concerns regarding highway issues with a potential increase in traffic around the area. However, by demonstrating that the business had operated with no issues at nearby premises for more than ten years, our Consultants were able to convince the Council that it was not an issue.

Further, by emphasising the shortfall of smaller housing units in Surrey Heath Borough Council’s area, we were also able to bring to light the imbalance of housing needs in the area. Those seeking smaller accommodation in the Borough for reasons of affordability, convenience or personal preference, were likely to experience far more difficulty in finding a home the proposed planning application would go towards helping fill this gap within Camberley.

Having a specialist D1 Use in the area would also provide a valuable community asset and would complement the local services in the nearby shopping parade.  The proposal would also be served by existing public transport with both buses and a nearby train station.

Within the Council’s Local Development Plan, there were no planning policies that suggested a D1 use would be unacceptable in this location. Additionally, the practice is well established in the Camberley area and it was imperative for the continuation of the business to remain in the same locality as the client’s base are predominantly reside within Surrey and Hampshire.

In response to the robust case put forward by Fuller Long’s team, we’re pleased to announce planning permission was granted by the SHBC Council and works to the property have now been completed and the business is up and running.

If you are looking for experienced consultants to assist with your residential or commercial development, look no further. Fuller Long has worked on large and small schemes across the UK with considerable success combining a national understanding of local planning, heritage and highways expertise.

Call Fuller Long on 0808 164 1288 or email hello@fullerlong.com to speak with one of our Consultants today.

Image source: https://www.thecamberleyclinic-surrey.co.uk/