Fuller Long are delighted to welcome and introduce Josie Roscoe to our heritage team.

During her time working as a professional in the heritage sector, Josie has adopted a range of conservation approaches; the projects she has been involved with have required a tailored response to the heritage matters and issues that may arise from different constraints, conditions, building origin and age, contexts and briefs. Generally, the first stage of any project is to gain a thorough understanding of the building and site’s historic development, carrying out tasks such as characterisation appraisals, studies of the site’s morphology, assessing condition and rationalisation of past applications. During the design process, Josie will be able to provide feedback, highlighting opportunities for heritage benefits, ways to reduce impact to listed buildings and their setting and making design suggestions over the design language and articulation of new proposed additions. Considered design responses to heritage assets is a key stage in creating a scheme that respects the sensitivities of a site and its setting and which will be acceptable to the Local Planning Authority.

Josie has worked as a heritage consultant in the UK since 2013, gaining experience in a wide range of projects. Her first role in London was an architectural conservation consultant at Stephen Levrant Heritage Architecture Ltd. During her time there, she was extensively involved in several complex, long-term projects, providing design and heritage advice addressing change of use and preparing heritage statements and GA drawings.

Prior to her career in the heritage sector in the UK, she relocated to Italy for two years where she worked in an architectural studio, Studio Signorini, and later took on various freelance projects. Her work there focused on the conversion of 17th and 18th century agricultural buildings. Her background in architecture and experience in the heritage sector puts her in the ideal position to assist and advise on development schemes that affect the setting of heritage assets (including conservation areas, world heritage sites and listed buildings) and design proposals on listed buildings.

Part of her experience includes carrying out visual impact assessments for larger developments in areas sensitive to change, producing Visual Impact Assessments and Townscape and Heritage Appraisals to accompany planning applications. Josie also has experience in smaller scale projects and is proficient in the preparation of schedules of significance, morphological plans, impact assessments and policy justification. She regularly provides guidance on reinstatement of lost original features through archival research, photographic evidence or scholarly interpretations as well as providing design feedback on contemporary designs within a heritage context. Some of her more notable experience includes detailed interpretations and designs for new Adam ceilings in a grade II* listed building. On a practical side, Josie has excellent knowledge of architectural styles and construction methods from different periods, which is essential in being able to advise on suitable methods of repair to key building elements like masonry, joinery, cladding, cast iron rainwater goods and windows, which enables her to advise and produce comprehensive schedules of repair and method statements.

We pride ourselves on providing our clients with the highest quality of advice and so are excited that Josie has joined our team of planners. If you are in need of planning advice and would like to speak to Josie about a prospective or ongoing development, please contact us on 0808 164 1288 for a no-obligation conversation.