Application Type: Full Planning Application
Development Description: 7 Storey Development Comprising Office and Retail with Associated Car Park, Landscaping, Access and Servicing Areas
location: Slough Borough Council 

Fuller Long are delighted to have been part of the team who assisted in gaining planning permission for a new 7 storey mixed use development. 

The approved application will see the redevelopment of a temporary car park to create more than 19,000 square metres of floor space including office B1 use as well as retail use classes A1 / A3 at ground floor level. The approval also includes a car park for the new building, along with associated landscaping, access and servicing areas. Fuller Long were involved in managing the planning application, providing both a detailed planning statement and a heritage impact assessment to support it. 

Due to the scale of the development, a thorough heritage assessment needed to be undertaken; priority was given to the higher grade heritage assets in the area which included the grade I listed Bayliss House, grade I listed St Laurence’s Church, and the nearby grade II listed Church of St Ethelburt and Slough Station. The key to understanding the impact that the development would have on these assets first involved determining what views from each of the assets would be affected, and subsequently affect the settings of the listed buildings. 

Our heritage consultants, through direct discussions with Slough Borough Council, were able to identify the key views and vistas that would need to be assessed as part of the impact assessment. In doing so, the heritage team was able to determine that the new development, due to a number of factors including the topography of the area and other buildings, would not infringe upon these views. Overall, it was concluded that the scheme would cause only a very limited impact to the historic environment which was greatly outweighed by the real and substantial public benefits in terms of regeneration and improved economic prosperity for the town of Slough. 

Having reviewed the scheme, the conservation officer at Slough Borough Council agreed that the proposed works would not have a significant impact upon the historic significance.  As such, the officer concluded that the proposal was in accordance with both the local and national planning policies.

If you are a developer seeking planning or heritage assistance with your scheme, Fuller Long can help.  To speak with one of our experienced team of planning and heritage consultants, please call us on 0808 164 1288 or email us at