Application Type: Planning permission
Development Description: Demolition of a church annexe and the erection of a three storey building to facilitate 9 new dwellings ( 4 x 1 bed 5 x 2 bed).
Local Authorities/Councils: Brent London Borough Council

Fuller Long were delighted to work with Artform Group, to gain approval for nine new apartments on Harrow Road, Kensal Green in the London Borough of Brent. Once complete the apartments will form nine luxury 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. 

Our team worked alongside award winning architects from the conception of the project, providing a design brief including clear advice on the proposed scheme and how it would be considered acceptable. We then went on to prepare a supporting  planning statement which demonstrated how the scheme’s design had been carefully considered in the wider context. By considering the overall massing and scale in comparison to surrounding buildings, we were able to conclude that the built form would contribute positively to the street scene. We also set out the detailed reasoning as to why the development complied with the policies set out in the Local Plan and the NPPF, including the loss of the community facility. Further policy considerations related to design, dwelling size, internal amenity and neighbouring amenity.

The application went on to be approved by Brent London Borough Council, who agreed that the proposal was in accordance with all of the policies contained within the relevant documentation, such as Brent Development Management Policies (2016) DMP 1, 12, 18 and 19 as well as SPD 1 of the Brent Design Guide and The London Plan.

For information on the new local plan, now in affect across Brent, use the following link:

If you are in search of the right consultants to assist with your potential schemes, look no further. Fuller Long’s skilled planning and heritage consultants have the knowledge and experience to help. For a no obligation conversation, please call phone or email us at

Source: Artform Group