Fuller Long are pleased to announce that we have recently obtained planning permission on behalf of our client for a property in Farnham, Surrey. The approved development was for various extensions and alterations to the property including a part two-storey part single-storey side extension, first-floor front extension and a single storey rear extension.
Our clients were in desperate need of the proposed extension to their property in order to accommodate their growing family and to prevent the need for them to move from their family home, and so we were delighted to assist them in their application. They had previously completed a similar application, which had been refused on the basis that the extension would add inappropriate bulk and mass to the building. Another concern raised was that the proposal would replace the layered appearance of the house with a flat front, removing the character of the property. Our planning consultant therefore advised on revisions to the scheme in order to address the concerns raised by the Planning Officer previously.
The application was accompanied by a detailed planning statement prepared by Fuller Long which explained how the amended design addressed the previous concerns of the Council, met with the detailed design guidance set out in the Residential Extensions Supplementary Planning Documents, as well as meeting the objectives of the relevant design policies of the Development Plan by ensuring the appearance of the resulting dwelling respects and reflected the local distinctiveness of the area.
Our planning consultant was able to demonstrate that the new scheme ensured the layered appearance of the house was retained, and the spacing with its neighbours reflected that of other extended properties in the street. We proved that the proposed extension had been designed so that it would not dominate the area, rather it would respect and reflect the character and appearance of the house and the street as a whole. The proposal therefore overcame the previous reasons for refusal and complied with Policies D1, D4 TD1 FNP1 and FNP16 of the adopted Development Plan and the provisions of the NPPF, and therefore we were able to gain the desired planning permission for our clients.
The permitted extensions were extremely important for our clients as they allow for the creation of a five bedroom family home and prevents the need of moving out of their long term home with the expansion of their family.
If you are looking for the right consultants to assist with planning permission for your development, look no further. Fuller Long have worked on a variety of schemes across the UK with considerable success. To see how Fuller Long can help with your project, call 0808 164 1288 or email hello@fullerlong.com to speak with one of our consultants today.
Image source: Rightmove