Application Type: Fuller Planning Permission
Development Description: Demolition of existing garage and installation of solar panels and 1no rooflight to existing dwelling. Erection of a part single, part two storey building to create a 1 x 2 bed dwellinghouse. Installation of solar panels.
Location: Oxford City

Fuller Long are delighted to have been involved in a recent planning appeal and subsequent planning  application for the demolition of an existing garage and the erection of a part one, part two storey, two bedroom house equipped with solar panels.

The development was previously refused in 2021 by Oxford City Council due to it having an unacceptable impact on the character and appearance of the surrounding area, given its location on a corner plot. Fullerlong were appointed to prepare and submit an appeal and, having found a number of examples within the immediate context on similar corner plots, argued that the additional dwelling would not be out of character.  The Planning Inspectorate concluded that the proposed development would not be harmful to the area in both character and amenity terms but the appeal was dismissed due to the lack of a legal agreement being in place for restricting the provision of future parking permits. The inspector noted that without this agreement the development would contribute to parking stress on the surrounding streets. 

Our planning consultants then re-submitted a planning application to Oxford City Council. Since the appeal decision was a material consideration and there were no changes to local planning policy since the Planning Inspectorate made their decision, the council agreed that the development was acceptable and, following a legal undertaking to ensure the restriction of future parking permits for occupants, the application was granted planning permission.

If you are a developer seeking planning or heritage assistance with your scheme, Fuller Long can help.  To speak with one of our experienced team of planning and heritage consultants, please call us on 0808 164 1288 or email us at