Application Type: Appeal
Development Description: Alterations to existing terrace house including erection of mansard roof, extension to main rear roof (with french doors and safety railings) and erection of part single, part two storey rear/side extension.
Local Planning Authority: Wandsworth London Borough Council

Fuller Long have been successful in appealing the refusal of an application for alterations to a terrace property in London. 

The development proposal included the addition of a mansard roof to the property as well as an extension to the existing rear roof and part single, part two storey rear and side extension. Wandsworth London Borough Council originally refused the application stating that the developments “siting, design and scale would result in an inappropriate and incongruous feature to the rear of this modest terrace of houses and would result in an overbearing and unneighbourly impact on adjoining occupiers”.

Our planning team were able to argue against this reason, showing that the neighbouring properties had also undergone significant alterations, and that the additional mass added to the property would not impact the character of the wider area. The Planning Inspectorate ultimately agreed and overturned the council’s decision.

If you are in search of the right planning consultants to assist with your project requirements, look no further. Fuller Long’s skilled planning and heritage consultants have the knowledge and experience to help. Please call 0808 164 1288 or email us at to speak to a member of our team.